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Quickstart: Multiple Views#

This guide continues from Semantic Similarity guide. It assumes that you have already set up the views and the collection. If not, please refer to the complete Part 3 code on GitHub.

The guide illustrates how to use multiple views to handle queries requiring different types of data. CandidateView and JobView are used as examples.

How does having multiple views work?#

You can register multiple views with a collection. When you run a query, the AI model decides which view to use based on the query. This allows for handling diffrent kinds of queries with different views. Those views can be based on data from the same source (e.g., different tables in the same database), or from different sources (e.g. a database and an API).

Upon selecting the view, the AI model uses it to extract the relevant data from its data source. The query result is an ExecutionResult object. It contains the data extracted by the view, along with other metadata including the name of the view that fetched the data.

Defining the JobView#

Our collection already has a registered CandidateView that allows us to extract candidates from the database. Let's now define a JobView that can fetch job offers, using a different data source - a Pandas DataFrame.


For further information on utilizing Pandas DataFrames as a data source, refer to the How-to: How-To: Use Pandas DataFrames with db-ally guide.

First, let's define the dataframe that will serve as our data source:

import pandas as pd

jobs_data = pd.DataFrame.from_records([
    {"title": "Data Scientist", "company": "Company A", "location": "New York", "salary": 100000},
    {"title": "Data Engineer", "company": "Company B", "location": "San Francisco", "salary": 120000},
    {"title": "Machine Learning Engineer", "company": "Company C", "location": "Berlin", "salary": 90000},
    {"title": "Data Scientist", "company": "Company D", "location": "London", "salary": 110000},
    {"title": "Data Scientist", "company": "Company E", "location": "Warsaw", "salary": 80000},
    {"title": "Data Scientist", "company": "Company F", "location": "Warsaw", "salary": 100000},

The dataframe holds job offer information, including the job title, company, location, and salary. Let's now define the JobView class:

from dbally import decorators, DataFrameBaseView

class JobView(DataFrameBaseView):
    View for retrieving information about job offers.

    def with_salary_at_least(self, salary: int) -> pd.Series:
        Filters job offers with a salary of at least `salary`.
        return self.df.salary >= salary

    def in_location(self, location: str) -> pd.Series:
        Filters job offers in a specific location.
        return self.df.location == location

    def from_company(self, company: str) -> pd.Series:
        Filters job offers from a specific company.
        return == company

The JobView class inherits from DataFrameBaseView, a base class for views utilizing Pandas DataFrames as a data source. The class defines three filter methods: with_salary_at_least, in_location, and from_company. These methods filter the job offers based on salary, location, and company, respectively.


The description of the view class is crucial for the AI model to understand the view's purpose. It helps the model decide which view to use for a specific query.

Now, let's register the JobView with the collection by adding this line to main():

collection.add(JobView, lambda: JobView(jobs_data))

Running queries with multiple views#

Now that we have both CandidateView and JobView registered with the collection, we can run queries involving both data types. First, let's define a function that can display query results:

from dbally import ExecutionResult

def display_results(result: ExecutionResult):
    if result.view_name == "CandidateView":
        print(f"{len(result.results)} Candidates:")
        for candidate in result.results:
            print(f"{candidate['name']} - {candidate['skills']}")
    elif result.view_name == "JobView":
        print(f"{len(result.results)} Job Offers:")
        for job in result.results:
            print(f"{job['title']} at {job['company']} in {job['location']}")

The display_result function receives an ExecutionResult object as an argument and prints results based on the view that fetched the data. It shows how you can handle different types of data in the query results.

Now, let's try running a query about job offers:

result = await collection.ask("Find me job offers in New York with a salary of at least 100000.")

Based on our data, this should return the following output, provided by the JobView:

1 Job Offers:
Data Scientist at Company A in New York

Now, let's run a candidates query on the same collection:

result = await collection.ask("Find me candidates from Poland")

This query should yield the following output, provided by the CandidateView:

3 Candidates:
Yuri Kowalski - SQL;Database Management;Data Modeling
Julia Nowak - Adobe XD;Sketch;Figma
Anna Kowalska - AWS;Azure;Google Cloud

That wraps it up! You can find the full example code on GitHub.

Next Steps#

Visit the Tutorial for a more comprehensive guide on how to use db-ally.