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Quickstart: Semantic Similarity#

This guide is a continuation of the Aggregations guide. It assumes that you have already set up the views and the collection. If not, please refer to the complete Part 2 code on GitHub.

This guide will demonstrate how to use semantic similarity to handle queries in which the filter values are similar to those in the database, without requiring an exact match. We will use filtering by country as an example.

We will cover the following topics:


This guide uses semantic embeddings from OpenAI and the faiss library from Meta for fast similarity search. You can also define custom similarity indexes based on other arbitrary methods of finding similar string values.

The Problem#

First, let's illustrate the problem by using a country name that is not in the database. Change the line containing the question in the main function to:

result = await collection.ask("Find someone from the United States with more than 2 years of experience.")

When you run the code, you will see that the query returns no candidates. This is because there are no candidates with "United States" as their country name in the database. However, there are candidates with "USA" as the value - but currently, the filter requires an exact match.

We can solve this by using semantic similarity to find the most similar country name to the one given.

Installing the Dependencies#

In addition to the dependencies from Part 1, you will need to install the faiss extension:

pip install dbally[faiss]

Defining the Similarity Index#

A similarity index is an object that, given a value, returns the most similar string from a pre-defined list. In this example, it will hold the country names used in the database and return the most similar country name to the one given in the question.

A similarity index typically consists of two parts:

  • A fetcher: an object that retrieves the candidate values (in our case: country names from the database).
  • A store: an object that stores the candidate values and can be used to find the most similar values to a given value.

First, let's define a fetcher that will fetch the country names from the database (add this before the CandidateView class definition):

from dbally.similarity import SimpleSqlAlchemyFetcher

country_fetcher = SimpleSqlAlchemyFetcher(


The SimpleSqlAlchemyFetcher is one of the built-in fetchers that can be used to fetch values from a SqlAlchemy database, but you can also define custom fetchers.

Next, let's define a store that will store the country names and can be used to find the most similar country name to a given value:

from dbally.similarity import FaissStore
from dbally.embeddings.litellm import LiteLLMEmbeddingClient

country_store = FaissStore(
        model="text-embedding-3-small",  # to use openai embedding model

In this example, we used the FaissStore store, which employs the faiss library for fast similarity search. We also used the LiteLLMEmbeddingClient to get the semantic embeddings for the country names. Replace your-api-key with your OpenAI API key.

Finally, let's define the similarity index:

from dbally.similarity import SimilarityIndex

country_similarity = SimilarityIndex(

Updating the Similarity Index#

The similarity index needs to be updated with the new values from the database. You can do this by calling the update method.

Add the following code at the beginning of the main function:



The update method will re-fetch all possible values from the data source and re-index them. Usually, you wouldn't call this method each time you use the similarity index. Instead, you would update the index periodically or when the data source changes. See the How-To: Update Similarity Indexes guide for more information.

Annotating the Filter to Use the Similarity Index#

Now that we have the similarity index, we can use it to annotate the filter to use the similarity index when filtering candidates by country:

To do this, replace the previous definition of the from_country filter with the following (note the type annotation for the country parameter):

from typing import Annotated

def from_country(self, country: Annotated[str, country_similarity]) -> sqlalchemy.ColumnElement:
    Filters candidates from a specific country.
    return == country


The Annotated type is not available in Python 3.8 and earlier. If you are using an older version of Python, you can install the typing-extensions package and use the Annotated type from there:

from typing_extensions import Annotated

Now, when you run a query with the from_country filter, the similarity index will be used to automatically find the most similar country name to the one given in the query.


Alternatively, you can use the SimilarityIndex object directly, for example in this case:

country = country_similarity.similar("United States")

Running the Code#

Now, when you run the code again, you will see that the query returns candidates from the "USA", even though the question asked for candidates from the "United States".

The expected output
The generated SQL query is: SELECT,, candidates.years_of_experience, candidates.position,, candidates.skills, candidates.tags,
FROM candidates
WHERE = 'USA' AND candidates.years_of_experience >= 2

Retrieved 1 candidates:
{'name': 'John Smith', 'country': 'USA', 'years_of_experience': 5, 'position': 'Software Engineer', 'university': 'Stanford University', 'skills': 'Java;Python;SQL', 'tags': 'Programming;Team Player', 'id': 1}

That's it! You can apply similar techniques to any other filter that takes a string value.

To see the full example, you can find the code on GitHub.

Next Steps#

Explore Quickstart Part 4: Multiple Views to learn how to run queries with multiple views and display the results.